Part Three of the Equation: Teacher/Educator.

A teacher in the KMRP classroom serves two distinct, primary roles: an early childhood teacher and mentor/guide for participating adults. Both roles are equally important but are not the same. First, EMLI utilizes trained educators and volunteers to teach the KMRP family math curriculum. These educators model mathematical reasoning, deliver engaging math lessons, and build a sense of excitement about mathematics in the classroom.

The second primary role of KMRP teachers is family empowerment. KMRP teachers must foster learning environments that both ignite the children’s desire to learn as well as provide parents or caregivers opportunities to succeed. KMRP training includes familiarizing educators with best practices for assisting adults in understanding the nuances of early math. This includes finding opportunities to support the child’s math skills development through interactive activities, such as using manipulatives, playing games, and reading storybooks, as well as discovering math in the families’ daily routines.